Thursday, October 1, 2015

Star Log Work

Our project for the Atomic Theory and Radioactive unit is a star log, which is very unique. By researching their chemical make-up, location, stellar classification and spectrum analysis, we are identifying their distinct atomic characteristics which relates to radioactivity. I liked this project overall; however, I found it difficult to find the star's chemical make-up. Nevertheless, it is very interesting to learn about the stars' origins and properties!
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  1. I encountered the same problem. The chemical make up was very hard for me to find, I had to do a lot of searching. I do also agree that it was, however, still interesting to gain more knowledge on the stars.

  2. Just like Becca and Cristen, I also had a hard time finding the chemical makeup of each star; however, I did find a site that helped me find the chemical makeup of each one fairly easy! Mrs. Frankenburg shared it on schoology if you need to check it out.
