Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Measurement notes- 10/21

Last week we began taking notes for our measurement unit which included scientific notation, accuracy, precision, mixtures and solutions. I found most of the concepts relatively easy to understand; however, I did struggle to comprehend significant figures. There are many rules used to determine the number of significant numbers in a problem. For example, non-zero digits are always significant and and zeros between two significant digits are significant. I understand the concept, but when applying it to actual examples I get confused. The stations at the end of class helped me to practice these concepts and strengthen my ability.


  1. Cristen, I also used this video to review sig figs. Crash Course provides very knowledgeable information that actually goes along with our curriculum in class. Have you used their videos to review during any other unit this year?

  2. Unfortunately I didn't find this video when learning about sig figs, but even so it still helps to enforce the idea behind it. The concept still doesn't make logical sense in my head, but I've found that memorizing the rules benefits me more than trying to understand it.

  3. When going over sig figs, I also get confused when applying it to a problem, but in class I understand it really well.

  4. During class I felt lost and extremely confused during the SIG FIG lecture. The stations helped but I was still lost. This video and others like it eventually helped me. Thanks!
