Friday, November 13, 2015

Chloride Lab!

This was my first time getting into lab, and it was a great one to start with! We took a small amount of zinc and combined it with 10 mL of chloride. We then heated the contents until all the chloride evaporated and only the crystallized substance remained. Finally, we took the data we collected and calculated our percent of error using our knowledge from the previous lessons on chemical composition. My partner and I ended up with a narrow error margin of 4.5%. Overall, this lab was a lot of fun, even if the smell was a little overwhelming. I look forward to more labs that broaden my real life experiences with our lessons.

1 comment:

  1. My group also got to complete this lab and we found it to be really fun. It was also a great way to practice the skills we learned in class and prepare for the unit test on Monday. You're pictures look great as well!
